背景音乐: Traveling Soldier —— Dixie Chicks
Two days past eighteen
He was waitin' for the bus in his army greens
Sat down in a booth at a cafe there
Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair
He's a little shy so she gave him a smile
And he said would you mind sittin' down for a while
And talkin' to me I'm feelin' a little low
She said I'm off in an hour and I know where we can go
So they went down and they sat on the pier
He said I bet you got a boyfriend but I don't care
I've got no one to send a letter to
Would you mind if I sent one back here to you?
I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Too young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of the travelin' soldier
Our love will never end
Waitin' for the soldier to come back again
Never gonna to be alone
When the letter says a soldier's coming home
So the letters came
From an army camp
In California then Vietnam
And he told her of his heart
It might be love
And all of the things he was so scared of
Said when it's gettin kinda rough over here
I think about that day sittin' down at the pier
And close my eyes and see your pretty smile
Now don't worry but I won't be able to write for a while
One Friday night at a football game
The Lord's Prayer said and the anthem sang
A man said folks would you bow your heads
For a list of local Vietnam dead
Cryin' all alone under the stands
Was the piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read and nobody really cared
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair
歌手简介:Dixie Chicks
她们同时引起媒介的关注。 从"滚石"( Rolling Stone) "每周娱乐"(Entertainment Weekly)到"人物"( People)杂志,电视指南(TV Guide) 也紧随潮流记录了Dixie Chicks缔造乡村音乐最为灿烂的一幕。 总结1998年,无数的国家出版物封于她们"年度突破演绎奖";同时,人们也认识了她们那张多次夺得"最佳年度专辑"的唱片"空旷"(Wild Open Spaces)。"今日美国"(USA Today) 撰文"Chicks将班卓琴风归还乡村电台", 而"滚石"( Rolling Stone)杂志却记录了她们被誉为"最不本分乡村团组"的一面。与此同时,"洛杉基时报"(the Los Angeles Times)却认为,在乡村音乐艺术风格如此雷同的今日,Dixie Chicks的出现为歌坛注入了一针强劲解毒剂。
音乐工业也注意到了。 音乐人和乡村音乐产业的官员都义无返顾地肯定她们的作为。 仅仅一年间,她们荣获了2项格兰美(Grammy Awards)奖(最佳乡村专辑和最佳乡村乐队),2项乡村音乐年度大奖(最佳年度团组和最佳新人奖), 以及包括年度专辑在内的3项乡村学院奖,1次美国音乐奖和2项由观众投票决出的TNN音乐大奖。在那什维尔的音乐规程中,一言不发的商业策略往往被视作"如果我们能将其造就,就同样能将其毁灭,"显然,音乐产业已经记录了她们。或许并不是巧合,在Dixie Chicks打破了平静之后, 几乎所有在那什维尔的唱片公司都新签约了一支新女子组合。 无疑,他们的举动只能证明她们仅仅是女子组合。 关键在于:没有艺人的音乐形式能象Dixie Chicks那样 。
Dixie Chicks的自信显示出她们的个性。 几个月后,为了庆贺首支单曲的成功,专辑获得白金销量,以及其他系列佳绩,她们将"雏鸡脚印"画在了自己脚上,这标志着她们的开门大吉。
那么,Dixie Chicks的下一步应该怎样走?听众是否会对她们的新风格生厌? 对于只出品了首张专辑的艺人而言,她们不希望自己成为"昙花"。 公司认为,实行保守操作新专辑只须稍微有别于"空旷"即可。 但事实上,当三个女子聚在一起策划她们在Monument的第二张专辑"飞翔"时,诸多状况还是超出了公司的想象。 她们亲自参与了词曲创作,乐器配置,效果制作甚至封套设计,当然还有亲历献演;Dixie Chicks几乎包揽了所有的制作过程。 她们希望献给听众鲜亮真实的Dixie Chicks。而她们真的做到了。
对于普通人而言, 和Dixie Chicks这样水准的女艺人竞争定会产生危机感。 数年之前这个来自德州的三人组合早已拟定出了她们的演出时刻表。 在租用了演出设备和运输工具之后,她们将小型演唱会献给人们。 最初,她们只是在达拉斯(Dallas)的街角演出,那种融合了兰草音乐 (Bluegrass),牛仔音乐 (Cowgirl Music)以及西部摇摆(Western Swing)的新颖风格使她们在最初的四场演出中挣得了300 元。 不久,她们的身影就出现在了烧烤城和俱乐部的舞台。她们早期的演出地还包括当地的护理院, 杂货店的配料部甚至葬礼上。
面对她们所继承的古老音乐遗产, Dixie Chicks正尽力发挥着特长。面对乡村固守人事的担忧,她们有自己的想法。可以确信,不管怎样,Dixie Chicks的规则将永远贯穿在她们的音乐行程中。